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Fair Lawn, NJ, United States
MSTie (MST3k fan!), geekgrrl, and proud member of the TWiT Army-servers fear us! NJ (a.k.a. New Jersey)
Just me, being me:
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3 years ago 2
4 years ago 2
This wouldn't even be funny in a movie...Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat c...
4 years ago 1
Who wants to draw the straight line from this list to cronies portfolios? Here are the largest public companies taking payroll...
4 years ago 8 @Edit 4 years ago
A bit of a longer read, but IMHO worth it: Socially Distance This - Carnival Cruises and the COVID-19 Virus Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
4 years ago
Old Laptop, Tablet or Phone? Here’s How They Can Help You Right Now - WSJ Old Laptop, Tablet or Phone? Here’s How They Can Hel...