3Friends 9Fans
female Austin, TX, United States
I teach technology to teachers and model lessons for students. I love learning new methods of teaching, and finding ways to hook students on learning. The students teach me a lot, too.
karrieweb2004 is
13 years ago
Preparing for a workshop tomorrow on tech integration for ELA classes.
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
Good read: Successful Retirement Guide by R. Kevin Price. Good to try these things and blog about the results.
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
The question is the answer. tinyurl.com/yz628kt
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
I just saved $213.00 this afternoon, (no, not on my insurance)! I checked out renting textbooks vs buying textbooks.
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
Working on my evaluation for work.
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
Good night all, tomorrow is another try.
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
Hey, only 60 emails to go!
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
Walked the track today!
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
Just can't seem to get caught up.
karrieweb2004 is
15 years ago
Awe, my karma is gone! I'm going to have to get back on track. Too much time away!