2Friends 12Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
kalaspuffar says
12 years ago
Work hard the last few weeks and now NeverLate is finally released for Android.
kalaspuffar says
12 years ago
Ate the best dessert. Choclatemousse, mango sorbe and sugar nuts with strawberries. Deeeelisch!!!!
kalaspuffar says
12 years ago
Finally weekend and this is the first weekend in a while that I don't know of any thing not working in my new code. reward =sleep.
kalaspuffar says
12 years ago
Finally weekend and this is the first weekend in a while that I don't know of any thing not working in my new code. reward =sleep.
kalaspuffar says
12 years ago
I read alot of emails, sms, twits and other social networks. So what is best? Have voicemail that I never listen to or turn it off?
kalaspuffar says
13 years ago
My nephew came 10th place(31 05) at vanbro. Janne (38.26) and I had 39.40. My fourth year so I got my first silver medal.
kalaspuffar says
13 years ago
My nephew won the sprint in vansbro(11.37). I came ninth(13.57) and Janne came eleventh place(14.26). Nice... looking forward to t
kalaspuffar says
13 years ago
Playing around, where is the kids? pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
kalaspuffar says
13 years ago