LAme-ass Moron
82Friends 35Fans
female Philippines
ei sexy!
i'm julienne. ^^
help me increase my karma! ok?

i SO enjoy doing fun things like surfing the net, lstening to musc, texting, reading and yes, EATING. :-D :-D
i'm still stuck with Eclipse which i think is a total HELL. xp
i make craps.
LAme-ass Moron
14 years ago 1
hi. can someone enlighten me on how to unfreeze my karma? :-D
LAme-ass Moron
15 years ago 1
LLOOOW. haha (lmao)
LAme-ass Moron
15 years ago 3
GWAPO si PIPO! (rofl)
LAme-ass Moron is
15 years ago 1
HORRIBLY limited! waaaaa (doh)
LAme-ass Moron
15 years ago 15
whoever you are, it was ron and pipo (LOL)
LAme-ass Moron says
15 years ago
Latest Naru Chapter Sucks!! NaruSaku Sucks!!!!!!
LAme-ass Moron says
15 years ago 3
(dance) (dance) (dance)
LAme-ass Moron says
15 years ago
WAHAHA! (rofl) Laaya!!
LAme-ass Moron says
15 years ago 1
LAme-ass Moron says
15 years ago 2
H E L L O !