29Friends 21Fans
female Makassar, Indonesia
College Student-A bit tomboy girl-Love asian stuff-Calm but can be crazy sometime-moody-always blabbering around-good imagination-PISCES-Love PEACE

14 years ago
no other word, but i'm tired already seeing u b***ing around..just get lost..
jungjesun says
14 years ago 7
akhirnya ada libur seminggu... (yahoo)
jungjesun says
14 years ago
bakalan berautis ria bersama bayi2 semingguan ini... (unsure)
jungjesun says
14 years ago
setengah hidup... (gym) (gym) (gym)
jungjesun says
14 years ago
astahee..keknya sulit dipertahankan tanpa freeze.. (bigeyes)
14 years ago 9
it's just a feeling...just a feeling..just a feeling that i have...
14 years ago
tirah baring absolut....!! ea~ (yahoo)
jungjesun says
14 years ago
wow...setelah sekian lama..akhirnya bisa nge-plurk lagi...dikit-dikitlah... (okok)
14 years ago 4
Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end.
jungjesun says
14 years ago
bakal freeze dolo buat sementara waktu.. (cry) sibuk gila..don miss me 2 much.. ;-)