❤ Jessie
109Friends 4Fans
female Singapore
Read more about me @ mylove-myjoy.blogspot.com

{♥} My BabyElton!
❤ Jessie says
12 years ago
karma from 90+ dropped till 1.68 :'-(
❤ Jessie
12 years ago
guess none of my mummies frens is still plurking ba?
❤ Jessie says
12 years ago
long time since i come here to plurk! (panic)
❤ Jessie hates
12 years ago
my job _|_
❤ Jessie
12 years ago
Misses all the plurk babes! Expecially when i'm preg tat time! Omg so many memories!! :-(:-(
❤ Jessie says
12 years ago
Hello, long time din plurk already!
❤ Jessie says
12 years ago
Happy 18 months to my precious Elton!! Daddy and mummy <3 u always!
❤ Jessie says
12 years ago
mornin (:
❤ Jessie says
13 years ago
so long din Plurk already!!
❤ Jessie says
13 years ago 1
finally gotten my confirmation letter!! (yahoo)