10Friends 11Fans
male Dallas, TX, United States
johnneese is
16 years ago
unpacking from the big move into a new house. :-&
johnneese thinks
16 years ago
it's better to follow only those you know, those you can learn from, and those you're stalking. Just kidding about the last bit.
johnneese will
16 years ago
probably be up reeeeeealllly late tonight in preparation for moving later this week.
johnneese wishes
16 years ago
he could sleep more, but dag-nabbit, i'm already late. Does plurk have an alarm clock feature? (woot)
johnneese asks
16 years ago
if his Plurk Karma can go down if he doesn't make any new friends. That would be sad. :-o
johnneese thinks
16 years ago
Bratwurst on a grill is better than server setup and load-balancing issues.
johnneese wishes
16 years ago
for more fun and less work. Oh, that and world peace or something.
johnneese is
16 years ago
thinking less and doing more today. No, strike that, reverse it.