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male Taipei, Taiwan
11 years ago
這個男人接口說這張鈔票是他的,就一把抓過去了過幾分鐘後那個婦人帶者另一個婦人回來了說鈔票是她這一位朋友的, 而這拿錢的這位先生也早已不知去向, 我懷疑這一切是詐騙集團自導自演的
11 years ago
我剛剛碰到件巜事, 我正在嚼口香糖, 有個年紀大約五十上下的女生突然在我身旁蹲下來撿起一張百元鈔票問是誰的, 我身旁一個年紀約三十出頭的男人他剛剛跟我搶報紙看, 說先生這張報紙是我的,
johnas 已經
13 years ago
i havea idea to make them as a tool kit of businesis idea.
johnas 曾經
13 years ago 1
I use to deal the lagal and soil horse chun a kind of zong ahve delete from the gypsum and
johnas 曾經
13 years ago
act finished and the joke the others else doing fun. I found the whole safety guard are existed in the world and all have cry for baby.
johnas 曾經
13 years ago
i have been tour to sward lake mountain and stand at the clothstore wait for our colleage to buy things and wait for the swimming
13 years ago
help to push.But the whole Poolof the prepareing cell stack area is no vody can do the authrity and found nothing happened.
13 years ago
I asked the car if anyone want to need to push to the carlot parkspot and want to needed.
johnas 需要
13 years ago
and not the women plus man miix body an i hope he can deal me with something slike cell phone pick up.
johnas 需要
13 years ago
I need a servent to company withh me, i want hide a age about 28 years old girl