steve jobs
57Friends 22Fans
male Philippines
Why are we here?

Maybe it's because of all the species that share this world, we are the only ones with the power to protect all the species on Earth.

Including ourselves.

So. What is our purpose?
steve jobs says
12 years ago
Ham for breakfast. Yum!
steve jobs says
12 years ago
What a desolate place. Where is everybody?
steve jobs says
12 years ago 4
Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you. >:-)
steve jobs says
12 years ago
I have returned.
steve jobs asks
13 years ago
I miss this place. What's new?
steve jobs
13 years ago
Back in action. I missed this place.
steve jobs asks
13 years ago 3
Is this dimension still alive?
steve jobs says
13 years ago
Hi. How is the plurk dimension doing?
steve jobs is
14 years ago
back to the old dimension I was in.
steve jobs shares
14 years ago
Thumb hurts. Analog stick fatigue. x_x