79Friends 29Fans
female Manila, Philippines
☻ DLSU-Manila
☻ College of Computer Studies
☻ LSDC-Street
jogjog says
13 years ago
busy day!!
jogjog says
13 years ago 11
hello plurk. we meet again. (dance)
jogjog says
15 years ago 12
hello plurk! it's been like 2 months since i last used my plurk! wow lang diba...
jogjog says
15 years ago
goodbye 2009...hello 2010...happy new year people of the world!
jogjog says
15 years ago
i hate using "XMAS" as a shortcut because it is like erasing CHRIST in CHRISTmas...
jogjog says
15 years ago 2
jogjog says
15 years ago
watch skechers on etc channel. 9pm :-D
jogjog says
15 years ago
defense then skechers! woooooot (bigeyes)
jogjog says
15 years ago
PRIDE! ()%#)#@_%#)
jogjog says
15 years ago 3
what a way to end this day! :'-(