14Friends 5Fans
male Osaka, Japan
dreaming is my hobby?? =P

I just want a simple life.
burning midnight oil for future
stop blaming your professors or anybody else who doesnt give you any benefit, coz you deserve for the consequences.
says I will shut your mouths by my achievements. God bless you.
says xcuse me, who is the one wasting money? you are the one!!! Stop lying and giving hope that u will progres to honor degree or watever!!!
thanks those who torturing him. I'm made stronger by u all. I'll forgive and pray for you all. Come back to god. HE never asks us to fight.
says those who are petty can't forgive and accept others. Revenging is not the way to solve problem.
says I believe I can do it.
believes sometimes ignorance is bliss.
says God does not teach us not to respect and accept others.
says I did not respect you because you are not a good role model to me. I am completely disappointed by your attitudes.