78Friends 316Fans
male Morecambe, Great Britain (UK)
Musician into all things geeky, new media, and walks in the countryside.

In Second Life I'm known as Jesta Noonan
For No One - The Beatles cover by Jesta
11 years ago
Just laying down some bass on a song that's been floating around. This Line 6 bass guitar sounds great!
jesta says
12 years ago 4
Hi friends! Could you do me a favour? Go to about 4 comments down, click "Like" where it says Bryan Page Jesta - thx!
jesta says
12 years ago
Hi friends! Could you do me a favour? Go to about 4 comments down, click "Like" where it says Bryan Page Jesta - thx!
jesta says
12 years ago
iPhone / iOS app gets an update!
jesta says
13 years ago
Aw, can't believe Davy Jones of The Monkees has passed away! :-(
jesta says
13 years ago
Toto are the latest band to sue their label for unpaid royalties. Bye bye greedy major labels!
jesta says
13 years ago
A sad goodbye to Michael Davis, bass player with MC5. Rest in peace. rip mc5
jesta says
13 years ago
It truly is "radio done a different way". One of few stations left with such a diverse playlist.
jesta says
13 years ago
Real music needs your support. - Sad news that my favourite radio station may close...
jesta says
13 years ago
So, it appears I'm less than 100 followers away from ten thousand! Woot! - can you help me break it? (I love you)