102Friends 120Fans
female Ada, OK, United States
I am a freelance writer/editor, photographer, and fiber artist based in south-central Oklahoma. Check out Jen Nipps Online for more.
jen says
6 years ago
Between errands and taking a (needed) nap today, I haven't done any writing. And at almost 9:00, I don't really want to get started right now. But I will. Even 100 words is progress.
jen says
6 years ago
My brother and his kids were here the past two days. (Well, partly. Kiddos were in school.) T has an infection in his incision from the surgery he had last week. They pretty much vacuumed it out yesterday at his appointment and he was dizzy last night and fell in the bathroom, so I didn't sleep well, worrying about him all night. So I'm tired.
jen says
6 years ago 1
I've had a headache all day. It's difficult to focus on writing.
jen says
6 years ago 4
I encountered a question on Instagram: Is there a 30-Day guide to writing and self-publishing your first book? Now... This is something I've been thinking about. Is there interest in this? #selfpublishinghelp #selfpubhowto #amwriting #30dayguidetowritingandselfpublishing
6 years ago
I'm so tired. I slept on a mattress on the floor last night (in McAlester, not home) and didn't sleep well for a variety of reasons. I'm not writing tonight. My wrist isn't up to it. I'm trying to decide between calling it a night early or doing some marketing tasks.
6 years ago 1
Ok. Here I am. Sitting in front of my computer. Waiting for my email to open. I'm sending the revised manuscript for RealmWalker New Beginnings to my editor.
6 years ago 6
I am needing to move my books from CreateSpace to KDP's new print function. Should I just quietly move them over in a business-as-usual way or do small (re)launches for them? (There's a total of 11.)
6 years ago
I have set up a new morning routine for myself and set the alarms for the timing I want. We'll see how it goes. I'm kind of excited about it.