6 years ago
I am needing to move my books from CreateSpace to KDP's new print function. Should I just quietly move them over in a business-as-usual way or do small (re)launches for them? (There's a total of 11.)
latest #6
6 years ago
I am optinh to pull my titles completely. I have my dba for Mysti Bond
6 years ago
Mysti: I actually thought about that. If there weren't so many of them, I probably would. Part of my dilemma is I want them all rereleased by the end of the year. I spent some time with a calendar earlier. It's doable, but it would be kind of a tight fit.
6 years ago
Maybe do a re-release of your best sellers and move the rest.
6 years ago
Or - and I just thought of this in talking with a friend on Facebook - move them over and spotlight them on my blog and social media between now and Christmas.
6 years ago
There you go!
6 years ago
Yes. I think that's the best way to go.
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