6Friends 14Fans
female Davao, Philippines
im n0t perfect <3!!!
jem_jem says
12 years ago 2
nyt plurk<3 (goodluck) (goodluck) (goodluck)
jem_jem says
12 years ago
im a little drunk" (woot) and i neEd u n0w<3 i just need u n0w>jejejejeje X-( (angry)
jem_jem says
12 years ago
plurk2"a nyt of fun jejeje<3 (dance) (dance) (dance)
jem_jem says
12 years ago
jem_jem says
12 years ago
kappooooooooooo000000000000iiiiiii"nah skwela"lami naa"u undang<< :-o
jem_jem says
12 years ago
bye plurk" (highfive) (highfive) (highfive)
jem_jem says
12 years ago
"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." (cozy)
jem_jem says
12 years ago
Turn your wounds into wisdom. :-)) :-)) :-))
jem_jem says
12 years ago
Life is not just waiting for someone who is made for you. But life is living for someone, who lives because of you. (tongue) (tongue)
jem_jem says
12 years ago