jeff manalo
11Friends 10Fans
male Makati, Philippines
BEach Bum, Mall RAt, ConversaTionalists, Nature Tripper, ReaDER, and a fRiend.

im a good FRIend but BEST ENemy. but most important BELieVE in GOD tremendously!!!!
jeff manalo
14 years ago
monumental & historical day it was...YESTERDAY :-)
jeff manalo
14 years ago
hey pips !!!!
jeff manalo
14 years ago
its been ages since i my plurkKKKKKKK (LOL)
jeff manalo
14 years ago
WTF!!!@# sum1 hacked our sysstem......F!@* U
jeff manalo
14 years ago
Love never dies by natural causes. It dies because we don't replenish its cup. - Paulo Coelho
jeff manalo
15 years ago
thinking aloud :-)
jeff manalo shares
15 years ago
jeff manalo
15 years ago
coffee anyone??? :-)
jeff manalo
15 years ago
GOD help us out
jeff manalo
15 years ago
lets pray for the safety of every PInoy's.