42Friends 31Fans
male Montreal, QC, Canada
Internet Marketing Specialist Montreal

SEO / SEM / Internet Marketing

Spring is comming : feeds.searchengineland.c...
long time not on plurk , lost all my Karma :-)
long time didn't come to Plurk , whats up plurkers ?
15 years ago 1
does not like having Canadian Pesos
15 years ago 1
has seen some Montreal policemens dressed has clowns
jean_marc_langevin pense
15 years ago
que sont Karma va tomber
jean_marc_langevin will
15 years ago 4
test google new Browser Chrome tonight : www.google.com/chrome/
15 years ago 9
happy about his new 1.95$/month VOIP in Montreal :-)
jean_marc_langevin shares
15 years ago
he will go to Yulbiz Montreal Tonight upcoming.yahoo.com/event...