I'm wondering if Probot is anything like Dave Grohl's Satan character in Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny... hrm
I <3 Mozy, but learning it's quirks with how it remembers data, on which drive, is interesting. I really just wish it was more obvious.
I'm officially cold in the office. This is important, because if I'm cold, then it's fucking cold.
hope to try some Hoosier wine with dinner. I killed a corkscrew on thxgvng trying to open it, so I'm worried I'm not meant to try
playing an available memory shell game.. do I feel lucky?
finally watched "Diary of the Dead" the other day. Good, but mainly just left me wanting for more zombie movies
we has a bandwidth hog in the office....
waiting on mysql. zzzzzzzz
my cuckoo clock mocks me every half hour we get closer to go-time