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male Manila, Philippines
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
Gary Vaynerchuk: "If you’re lucky enough to spend any time around any eighty- or.." [The Thank You Economy] Books dld.bz/PZQC
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
Rob Bell: "What kind of God is that, that we would need to be rescued from it?" [Love Wins] Religion Books dld.bz/QTgA
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
Peter Bergen: "Atta communicated by email from the United States with Binalshibh." [The Longest War] Nonfiction Books dld.bz/N2zp
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
Jonathan Alter: "#Obama dented more immovable barriers than any president..." [The Promise] Nonfiction Books dld.bz/P6DR
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
Bill Bryson tells the history of the world by questioning the common things we .."At Home." [#Colbert Report Books] dld.bz/NJXt
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
".. a school that costs USAID $250k to build can be built by local Afghans for $50k." [One Nation .. Contract] Books dld.bz/Q8Ee
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
N. Klein: "#Friedman advised Pinochet to impose a rapid-fire transformation of the economy." [#Shock Doctrine] Books dld.bz/PsPb
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: "Join a baby group so your child could develop peer attachments." Parents Books dld.bz/Pssq
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
Danielle L. McGuire: "#Rosa Parks was especially interested in interracial rape cases." [At .. Street] Racism Books dld.bz/Qbz3
jasoncarr94 says
13 years ago
David Brooks: "Researchers have made strides in understanding the human mind.." [The Social Animal] Books dld.bz/RNMD