ngaun na lng nkapagopen d2 sa plurk!
“I wanted to be successful, not famous.”
With every mistake we must surely be learning
lIfe is ab0ut tRustIng 0uR feElinG
and tAking cHAncES ..
l0sIng aNd fIndiIng hApPiness,
aPpreciAtIng ThE mem0Ries aNd
lEarnIng fR0m tHe pAst
thE thiNGs dAt ARE NOt iMpORtANt tO YOU NOw.... MiGht bE thE mOst iMpORtANt thiNg iN thE fUtURe.
it's better to late than never..
''when a girl thinks of her future with her bf it's normal,,,but when a boy thinks of his future with his gf he's serious''