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jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Teens need to write up wills about what they want to happen if they die, with all of their online crap. dld.bz/Fshp digitalafter
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Joshua Foer: "When scientists administered amphetamines to college shot-putters.." [#Moonwalking with Einstein] Books dld.bz/PMKK
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Stephen talks to Aaron Sorkin in the hall while people hand them stuff. [Stephen Colbert Report Books] dld.bz/NJXt
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Ron Rosenbaum: "#Israel will have the capacity for nuclear retaliation." [How the End Begins] Nuclear War Books dld.bz/QfaC
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Naomi Klein: "He observed that only a crisis (actual or perceived) produces real change." [The Shock Doctrine] Books dld.bz/PsPb
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Laura Ingraham: "... the public record of Team Obama, but ..." [The Obama Diaries] Books dld.bz/RVp4
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Jennifer Ackerman: "Family are succumbing one after another to the feverish misery of H1N1." [Ah-Choo!] CBSHealth NYT dld.bz/JgwB
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Dark energy causes the acceleration of the expansion of the Cosmos. dld.bz/HDrF NASA SciFri NYTimesScience WiredScience
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
Anand Giridharadas: ".. used to ask me on these December visits if I felt Indian or American." [#India Calling] Books dld.bz/P3zA
jacksonmax146 says
13 years ago
After Paul Clemens spent a year watching men disassemble a Detroit stamping plant, he discovered .. [Daily Show Authors] dld.bz/PwcN