22Friends 12Fans
female Pontianak, Indonesia
12 years ago 1
untuk sementara Indonesia memimpin dengan meraih Emas 18, Perak 11 dan Perunggu 4 #ayoIndonesia :-)
12 years ago
Tidak perlu memaksakan kehendak sih sebenernya.. Tapi kan kadang manusia selalu ga puas yah.. sesuatu deh!
12 years ago
Holla, Plurk... Long time no see *eh?? :-P
iraarrws is
14 years ago
iraarrws is
14 years ago
iraarrws is
14 years ago
clever girls like clever boys much more than clever boys like clever girls
iraarrws is
14 years ago
If u lose in love, have dignity. Move on. Love again, and hold no grudge. -Revrunwisdom #ihatequotes
iraarrws is
14 years ago
life is a matter of choice, not by chances #ihatequotes
iraarrws is
14 years ago
The thing I want you to see the most is that I survived without you. #ihatequotes
iraarrws is
14 years ago
Sometimes I let go just to see if I'm the only one holding on. -MastinKipp #ihatequotes