Convict Gaga
24Friends 11Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
Singing Ladada :-)
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago 1
What just happend last night?
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago 1
Last time I checked it was August 15 when I went to Plurk. wooooooooooooooow:-D
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago
I'm craving for Carbonara :-D.
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago
"I'm sorry" is a statement. "I won't do it again" is a promise. "How do I make it up to you" is a responsibility.
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago
Take your shirt off=>.
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago
I need to trim my bangs. Stat!
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago
You're nuts, crazy, annoying, yet I still think you're the most wonderful person on earth.
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago
Having some mocha cake for dessert
Convict Gaga says
14 years ago
Memories: priceless.