Seriously, hal-hal kecil bisa bikin bahagia. Bahagia itu sederhana.
Baru dapet kabar dari Mama kalo kelinci beranak lagi. Six baby bunnies! Mukyaaaa >,<
Daddy should be proud that his knight is so damn humble. Yea, he is. Love ya brada! :*
should be frozen till next month. ah, it's a bit longer than i thought.
bikin dongengnya beres. yataaa!
Bleach 100 eps. cuma beres dalam waktu seminggu. Mau lanjutannya baaaaang >.<
Ide bisa datang dari hal-hal sepele. Keep your minds wide opened!
read a lot, write a lot, sketch a lot and... eat a lot.
forgiven doesn't mean forgotten.