10Friends 16Fans
female Buffalo, NY, United States
I am a lampwork bead artist and jewelry designer when I'm not doing my day job as a special education high school teacher. I have the cutest chocolate lab, ever, Zoe.
infernoglassbeads asks
15 years ago 3
why am I watching Ghostbusters for the 100th time? :-P
infernoglassbeads asks
15 years ago
who would be interested in being a featured handmade artist on my blog?
infernoglassbeads wonders
15 years ago
Why I keep getting the anti-flood message when I haven't posted anything for days? X-(
infernoglassbeads shares
15 years ago
Life's a Beach Handmade Items! www.handmadechic.blogspo...
infernoglassbeads shares
15 years ago
Lampwork Treasure Hunt! Win a pair of earrings!
infernoglassbeads shares
15 years ago
Must Reads from HMN (www.handmadechic.blogspo...)