21Friends 10Fans
male Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
system admin for money, artist for passion, anime and music addict, writing my first game
16 years ago
i can't keep my eyes open. damn monday
16 years ago
spent the whole weekend into creative frenzy
16 years ago
i feel so sleepy. i spent the first working hour of the week by replying to an endless amount of emails. now where is my coffee?
16 years ago
i want badly an invitation code for 'socialthing' :-( anyone willing to share one?
16 years ago
loves the smell of the sea
16 years ago
it's raining outside. summer ended early this year
immigrantsheep is
16 years ago
hooked on chrome
immigrantsheep wants
16 years ago 1
to sort things out as soon as he can
immigrantsheep thinks
16 years ago 1
that eating hamburgers and fries at 4am officialy sucks for me :-) or was the beer... good morning everyone
immigrantsheep is
16 years ago
tring to finish the script and concept for a shot. it all seems to take forever