87Friends 89Fans
female Bintaro, Indonesia
old mcdonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, and on his farm he had some chickens e-i-e-i-o, and then the chickens sent to his restaurants all over the world and putri loves to go there. McDonald's!!!
imantyaputri says
15 years ago
tempat les nyetirnya tutuuuuuup! harus berpuas2 dengan jazz yg matic saja (annoyed)
imantyaputri is
15 years ago
laper banget(headspin)
imantyaputri is
15 years ago
ngga tidur dulu sampe jam 6. bangunin rian kuliah, abis itu baru tiduuurrrr (evil_grin)
imantyaputri wants
15 years ago
to sleep. (wave)
imantyaputri says
15 years ago 2
blm ngantuk tp sama rian disuruh tiduuuuuuuur(headspin)
imantyaputri says
15 years ago
besok mulai les nyetir aaaaaaaah B-)
imantyaputri says
15 years ago
imantyaputri says
15 years ago
the good thing about having tumblr account: i can say about my bf out of his sight..............
imantyaputri says
15 years ago
pengennya sih dipeduliin gitu, tp ternyata ngga tuh
imantyaputri has
15 years ago
sahuuuuuur hehehe aduh kenyang dan kembung deh