87Friends 89Fans
female Bintaro, Indonesia
old mcdonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, and on his farm he had some chickens e-i-e-i-o, and then the chickens sent to his restaurants all over the world and putri loves to go there. McDonald's!!!
imantyaputri says
10 years ago
hi plurk world! long time no see!
14 years ago
kangen anak2 SSC fatmawati dan inten fatmawati makan brg pas istirahat (headspin)
imantyaputri is
14 years ago
going to hit the bed ;-) ciao!
imantyaputri is
14 years ago 3
LEGA BGT akhirnya design undangan prom dari reszki jadi jugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha alhamdulillah, reszki emang gaul! (banana_cool)
imantyaputri thinks
14 years ago 3
plurk lebih asik dari twitter. gw lbh sering pake twitter cuma krn rame aja.... hail plurk! (worship)
imantyaputri needs
14 years ago 2
a part time job and make money! (banana_rock)
imantyaputri says
15 years ago
wowww plurk ada daily photo gt skg? haha ketinggalan jaman nih
imantyaputri says
15 years ago
hello plurk, long time no see (headspin)
imantyaputri says
15 years ago 2
hello plurk, long time no see (eyerolll)
imantyaputri says
15 years ago
ngantuk. bobo ah haha dadaah!