9Friends 1Fans
female Singapore
her family,
her gans andd
her friends (:
imLOSTz is
15 years ago
sad- she has to sleep super early and wake up super early too ):
imLOSTz is
15 years ago
school's re-opens on mon~ Missed my friends.
imLOSTz is
15 years ago
drinking each-a-cup's PassionFruit Sunrise <<BBT :-D Nicee(!)
imLOSTz wants
15 years ago
to wish her Dad HAPPYBDAY (!) Whoots:-D
imLOSTz says
15 years ago
suddenly thr's so many new plurk responses and updates.
imLOSTz wonders
15 years ago
if the holiday will be extended.
imLOSTz says
15 years ago
she's doing home econs homework now
imLOSTz says
15 years ago
OMG! She haven't buy aiai's bday presents yet!
imLOSTz feels
15 years ago
giddy right now :-&
imLOSTz says
15 years ago
she gonna jump like a kangaroo, ya right, KANGAROO. :-D