sad,,bcz i cant spend today with cherry,,i'm so sorry bout it..
fesbuk ngaco lagi niih,,,ihh sebeeel..!!
unhealthy+starving hiksss
sing 'Tuhan yang Tahu kucinta kau'
yg pnya FB rese bgt yach,knp sih ampe FB gk bs log in??yg FBny gk aktif+isinya gk bnr mndgan di deleted aj..huuft
duh jorok bgt siih??hrus di siram pke desinfektan nih..!!biar pada KO smw!!
FB bermasalah lg..huufft!!
sick,,but have to wait her come out n call me,,mau mnta ttd LSS Remed aj lamaaa bgt nunggu nya!
kok susah log in sih di FB dr hp??