29Friends 13Fans
female Muntinlupa, Philippines
Kiss the Wookie! Kill the Driod! Fly a falcon through an asteroid!!! Till the princess is annoyed!
It's spaceships, It's monsters, STAR WARS! We love it!!!
(hence, i am a major dork.... hahaha)

LOVE!!! hearts are awesome.
ART!!!! Art is awe
Octo-carms says
16 years ago 4
oh woe! worries me! shame and scandal in the family! hahaha!
Octo-carms is
16 years ago
once again, in 3danim3 and is very bored... and does not understand this shit.
Octo-carms asks
16 years ago 3
will you dance or die?! B-)
Octo-carms feels
16 years ago
really out of everything all the time. FUCK THIS SHIT. I DONT WANT A SOCIAL LIFE ANYMORE. i just get fucking kicked in the ass. motherfucker
Octo-carms thinks
16 years ago 5
both of you should be best friends again since you both make plans and not tell me. BULLSHIT. i hate this fucking tard shit.
Octo-carms thinks
16 years ago
you're a superstar, yes that is what you are.
Octo-carms thinks
16 years ago
you favor that person and you're trying to hide it! hahaha!
Octo-carms is
16 years ago 1
finishing Crash of the Titans TONIGHT. yes. (tongue) (gym)
Octo-carms has
16 years ago 3
a really god plan for the wall in her room. :-D
Octo-carms is
16 years ago 1
a mommyhead