Octo-carms thinks
15 years ago
both of you should be best friends again since you both make plans and not tell me. BULLSHIT. i hate this fucking tard shit.
alohaloops says
15 years ago
we didn't make plans without you. Alex told you about the surfing thing. Carms, why the FUCK would I do that.
Octo-carms says
15 years ago
hotfudgeattack says
15 years ago
i did! the beach trip i told you bout was the surfing thing! i texted dans about it at the same time but dint get to give you all th details
Octo-carms says
15 years ago
that wasn't as detialed as hers! and you just said you had a friend who could teach us surfing but not plan all these shit!
hotfudgeattack says
15 years ago
i dint giv th dtails cos u sed u cud nly go 4 a day so i ws gna change th plans 2 fit tht..sorry! :-( i shoulda given u th details ryt away..