45Friends 15Fans
female Pasay City, Philippines
i hate those peopLe who bRags eVertHing abOut tHemseLves.. Trying haRd tO be sOmebody who thEy aRe nOt! BE REAL!

add me up on fs,fb and YM
[email protected]
SHYNE says
14 years ago
need to have a beauty rest..have a date with my babe..
SHYNE says
14 years ago
bonding with my famiLy..we will be having a famiLy outing 2moro with babe.. Love it! :-)
SHYNE says
14 years ago
i'll be having my date 2moro with my uLtimate crush! so excited..
SHYNE loves
14 years ago
JG.. finaLLy fOund my baby!!!
SHYNE says
14 years ago
had fun at puerto gaLera! sobra!
SHYNE says
15 years ago 2
done eating 3 sLice oF new york's finest at yeLlow cab! busog!
SHYNE shares
15 years ago
being DUMPED< Taken fOr granted & hurt bY d 1 they love is the reasOn wHy many peopLe choose tO FLIRT than tO be in a RELATIONSHIP!
SHYNE says
15 years ago
aNg Lamig! im with my bEssy's cRib.. makikituLog..
SHYNE says
15 years ago
punta s kiDs Church 2moro at mag jajabbawaaakeeezzz daw anG mga kidz q.. hmmm...!!!
SHYNE says
15 years ago
had fUn Last niGht s WB hehehe! anG saya!!!