16Friends 12Fans
male San Diego, CA, United States
I was born a geek!

I design and build small robots, tinker with electronics, and am addicted to programming languages. I work with Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

I code in Arduino, Python, Circuit Python, and Micropython.
2 years ago 7
Can I be forced to move because there is mold in the house? I was just told I need to move for that reason.
2 years ago 2
Here is what greeted me when I got home from my appointment. 😉 I paid for the NUCLEO boards, the Portenta Breakout board was sent to me free of charge by the Arduino folks, and the Pimoroni goodies were a gift. 😉😁

I will be geeking out this afternoon! 😉🤓🤓 https://images.plurk.com/7h7U8qlcgfcSbbXva5CO5j.jpg
2 years ago 5
I have been working on a Python script that uses a SenseHat from Pimoroni to get the temperature and humidity readings, scroll them across an RGM matrix and log the time and date stamped readings to a file using the JSON format. That part has all been working great for quite a while.
2 years ago 3
Today just turned shitty. :-( I could not get to the bathroom in time. :-( :-( I am trying to get a portable commode for my room. I am waiting for the decision from my insurance.
2 years ago 5 @Edit 2 years ago
I am now 2 ** 6 years young! I had a birthday back at the end of May, ;-)
2 years ago
I think I broke a tooth when I was eating some Doritos and that hurts quite a lot. I am hoping it will just heal and not require further investigation. I have very bad teeth. :-(
2 years ago 2
I am back to writing code again! I got a large care package from a techie friend that included around $900.00 worth of stuff. ;-) This included a nice little board with sensors and a matrix display that I have been tinkering with. Now, I am adding a configuration file to the code so I do not have to manually restart the script when I want to change a setting.
2 years ago 5
I have moved into another PRIVATE room! My rent is higher for this one, 78% of my income. I actually got a $300.00 break on this one. The owner is very different from the last one and does get things fixed that are hazards. This is good! I am back in San Diego where I wanted to be. :-) The owner will let me get my own internet connection too.
2 years ago
This morning, I was told that Snooki almost got hit by a car when she went outside via the garage, which was open. There is a door between the garage and the house and I have asked everyone to keep it closed when the garage is open. They seem unable to do such a simple thing! I am not just mad... I am OUTRAGED at this!
2 years ago
If you like what I am doing and would like to support me now and for future plans, I have:
Dale Weber (@hybotics) is is building crazy electron...Hybrid Robotics is creating unique electronic circui...I want to start a Twitch stream for Robotics and Electronics. I have plans for more content, including videos and streams.