3Friends 1Fans
female MI, United States
huicheol @ livejournal
16 years ago
President Barack Obama! It has a nice ring, doesn't it? ;-)
huicheol says
16 years ago 29
oh yeah, if livejournal dies for good I am going to fucking cry a river. D: I've used it for years...what r we going to do if it dies? :-(
huicheol says
16 years ago 2
fandom was more fun when I didn't interact with any of the other people in it. >:X
huicheol asks
16 years ago
what is wrong with soompi?! D:
16 years ago
also this is so funny: DBSK Yunho admiring Bi Rain when Rain rips his shirt off Yunho stands up and claps. LMAOO what a qt fan-boy
16 years ago
also hi, it's been awhile. rofl my karma's in the shitter. XD
16 years ago
Leeteuk hand gesture of ONLY13 I know it's old but OMG FURY OF A THOUSAND SUNS AKEGJKLASGJ
16 years ago
karma keeps going down but i don't really care. xD;; oops.
huicheol is
16 years ago 1
trying 2 plurk on my dads blackberry.
16 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving! I've been cooking for 2 hours & I'm not even done yet. X_X