11Friends 22Fans
male serendra the fort, Philippines
as i know my self i think im posh! ahahahahaaha LOL and i describe my self as a FASHIONISTA and i know that im HOT! and im a part time ramp model if you want to know more about hotnasteeposh just key in
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago
i feel fresh! ohhhlala!
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago 11
just finished taking a bath its so relaxing if you take a bath after training i feel like im in heaven but i'm tired!
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago
okay i'll fix my stuff na:-)
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago
wow! green tea aroma makes me feel happy!
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago
i lpve twitting so much! i love twitter! so much! as in its my life now! mawala na lahat wag lang twitter! sooper mega over love it!
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago
hello! im not sick na! im happy sooper! love it goodevening! (dance)
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago
im going to sleep in a bit!
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago 2
i'm still sick! huhuhuhu
hotnasteeposh says
15 years ago