42Friends 111Fans
female Yogyakarta, Indonesia
i'm just a girl.. who wanna grow up.. even though i said no.. being a women.. and should move on whatever my life going on now.. and.. find out who's ME.! ^^
honzaire says
12 years ago
walopun kerjaan kelihatan menumpuk, pasti bisa selesai sesuai deadline. SEMANGAAAATSS! :*
honzaire says
12 years ago
welcome monday! :-)
honzaire says
12 years ago
i love you so much hansbastianp :-))
honzaire is
12 years ago
drinking nutrition shake mix now! weight-up program start! :-D
honzaire wonders
12 years ago
when will i meet him again :-o
honzaire gives
12 years ago
up. im going to sleep. see ya!
honzaire says
12 years ago
it makes me feels blue around the day :-(
honzaire asks
12 years ago
please, dont do that again, dont ever mad at me, anymore.. :"(
honzaire thinks
12 years ago
hans is really scary when he got mad. :-(
honzaire hates
12 years ago
when hans get angry on me :'-(