All the way to keelun, tomorrow is big family get together meals. My papa is too old to make big meals, that's what children should do.
Just arrive Taiwan Airport, man, the feeling so good. Finally, I am home now. Happy Chinese New Year to all of the people on FB. Cheers,
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2011 and 民國100年! Family get together is the best celebration way! New year, new start, and new way to live!
Merry X'MAS to everyone! Wish you will have the best coming new year! And also let's rock the 民國一百年! Wish all of u make the dream come true!
GTM training, 新的組織架構,新的作法,漂亮的簡報,最終還是無疾而終,因為上頭老闆一換,就又不一樣,就像在玩RPG game!
我的專長是思考, 有需要我幫忙想解決事情的方法, 把我加入朋友吧! 我為人人, 人人為我! One for All, All for One~~
明年可以順利結婚, 好不容易遇到對的人, 這個年代, 相愛容易相處難, 再加上家庭的問題, 經濟的壓力, 但是我不會輕易放棄, 加油!