156Friends 240Fans
female Surabaya, Indonesia
a manga freak, also an anime freak, and definitely a yaoi freak. Always in love with Monou Fuuma. For further info, check fuu.byethost12.com
Hikachi says
11 years ago 1
I'm not sure if I should like win8 on my notebook or not.
Hikachi says
11 years ago
Kalap. Shoot. Totally unexpected spending... :-(
Hikachi says
11 years ago
The more I watch True Blood. The more I sympathize with the vampires.
Hikachi says
11 years ago
Dear Taylor Swift, please stop being a slut and trying out all males in the world. Kthxbye.
Hikachi is
11 years ago
Watching hard candy. Insta-fave.
Hikachi wants
11 years ago
Hikachi says
11 years ago
Okay, I admit it. I'm addicted to using hashtag on convo. :/
Hikachi wants
11 years ago
to order some book, but the shipping cost is more expensive than the actual book price. xDD
Hikachi says
11 years ago
Eh, congrats buat hikayaza yes. Akhirna jadi bapak. xD
Hikachi says
11 years ago
Shit. Malesna. :/