Just finished the movie "Angels and Demons." It is not bad~
summer session starting tomorrow -- taking Bio25普生
Hello~我們房子沒有網路 現在跑到Langdorm租的房子用XD Life: 橄欖球+排球+撞球+桌遊+Wii+卡拉ok+酒+不正常作息
剛剛睡到有點餓~ 還好醒來Ken就說三樓有雞翅@@ 馬上衝~
I get A- in my Writing20 class. I can't say that I am not a little bit disappointed, but it is already good for me though.
大學真的會比較忙嗎? 還是玩樂變多? 大家都考試又報告的樣子...