3Friends 3Fans
〔South Mountain〕, Haiti
❝you can find me somewhere in between inspiring others, working on myself, dodging negativity, and slaying my goals.❞

2 years ago
promise yourself. to stress less and smile more. to have strength and courage to venture outside of your comfort zone. to leave your past behind you and appreciate this moment. most importantly, promise yourself to always live a life you truly want to live.
2 years ago
the other person may not change by you speaking up. but you speaking up ignites a spark inside you that will grow until you no longer allow them to mistreat you. the speaking up is for YOU.
2 years ago
connecting with someone & not playing games, being direct, laying out your intentions, having no hidden agenda, only genuine love in getting to know them as a person reciprocating it, is the biggest flex against all the toxic shit in the world.
2 years ago
anything you lose from being honest, you never really had to begin with.
2 years ago
i would just like to say fuck you to everyone who made me feel inadequate growing up and ruining my self esteem for years. you all suck and i'm glad i don't talk to any of you any more.
2 years ago
sharing how you feel and what's real for you may be scary. but every time you hold back truth, you make fear more important than love.
this is why the depth of your ability to love will always be mirrored by your ability to be honest. it's really as simple as that.
2 years ago
life is good because i decided to make it that way
2 years ago
there is a fine line between free speech and hate speech. free speech encourages debate whereas hate speech incites violence.
2 years ago
let's be honest, everyone wanted to looks good on social media. let everyone do anything that makes them happy as long as it didn't harmful and offense other. like dude, why so salty?
2 years ago
In general, abusive behaviors are those that intend to:

harm ✔
control ✔
intimidate ✔
threaten ✔
humiliate ✔
manipulate ✔
degrade ✔
blame ✔
harass ✔
isolate partner from others ✔