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hellomindy says
14 years ago
But when you face them, come up with solutions to tackle them, you feel successful and great!
hellomindy says
14 years ago
Challenges are painful and make you feel like a loser.
hellomindy says
14 years ago
3. My great friend who starts work one year ahead of mine also gives me timely and intelligent help. Your brain is awesome dear!
hellomindy says
14 years ago
2. I have an awesome support network. He's the greatest guy on earth when I need help, for both emotional support and practical advice.
hellomindy thinks
14 years ago
Today's learning 1. Pay attention. People never ask you a question for no reason, esp. boss. They must have something in mind to follow up
hellomindy says
14 years ago
hellomindy feels
14 years ago
心煩氣燥. 為什麼. :-&
hellomindy feels
14 years ago
為愛而生. 那是一種很天蠍的態度.
hellomindy feels
14 years ago
What's happening? Things in my life seem to be fast-forwarding!!! I need to catch up...!!! :-D
hellomindy thinks
14 years ago
(3/3)我知道作家花很多間做資料搜集,出書不是胡混過關的。可是research又如何跟親身經歷相比?你能research出一個逼你交數的上司eric嗎?總不能這麼傳神吧。 所以,我發現我越來越愛看兼職作家的文字,因為我覺得我看的都是會發生在現實世界中,而非虛無飄渺、憑空想像的。