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We provides latest updates for Natural health News. Natural Health News - Natural Health News
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10 years ago
Ischemic colitis is a condition which occurs when the smooth flow of blood is disturbed to a portion of your large intestine. Often, it needs no treatment. Ischemic Colitis - Large Intestine's Injury - Natural Health...
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10 years ago
Seawater swimmers and divers often become the victims of jellyfish stings. Although the sting rarely leads to death; however it can turn dangerous.
Jellyfish Sting - Comprehensive Overview - Natural Health News
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10 years ago
Juvenile fibromyalgia is a type of disorder in which the muscles, ligaments, bones and tendons are affected. Find out its symptoms and risk factors. Juvenile Fibromyalgia - Myofascial Pain Syndrome - Natural Health...
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10 years ago
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis that develops in children under 17 years of age. Usually, it affects the joints of hands and feet. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis - Iidiopathic Arthritis - Natural H...
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10 years ago
Kawasaki disease is most commonly found in Korean and Japanese children under the age of 5. Kawasaki Disease - Lymp Node Syndrome - Natural Health News
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10 years ago
Kawasaki disease is most commonly found in Korean and Japanese children under the age of 5. Fortunately, it can be treated effectively. Find out its symptoms. Kawasaki Disease - Lymp Node Syndrome - Natural Health News
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10 years ago
Keratoconus is an eye disease wherein the cornea’s structure is affected. It leads to vision problems. Find out how it is treated, in detail.
Keratoconus - Eye Disease - Natural Health News
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10 years ago
Keratosis Pilaris is a condition which affects the skin by creating hard bumps usually on the buttocks, upper arms and thighs. Find out what causes it. Keratosis Pilaris - Chicken Skin - Natural Health News
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10 years ago
Krabbe disease is a genetic disorder wherein protective coatings of the nerve cells present in the nervous system and brain are damaged. It is a fatal disease. Krabbe Disease - Galactosylceramidase Deficiemcy - Natural Health...
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10 years ago 1
Natural Health News is dedicated to providing the latest information on natural health and beauty. Natural Health News - Natural Health News