16Friends 20Fans
male Kongsberg, Norway
Im a nerd. Not so much a nerd that i could make a living off it...Im a software nerd who likes to try betas (but has no developer skill :-( ) im also looking for other software nerds, who acctually plurk about it too ;-)
Headsvett is
12 years ago
happy to find his browser still remembers the password to this plurk account! :-D
15 years ago
plurk can now post your plurks to twitter, facebook, friendster and multiply. Anyone want to join?
Headsvett hopes
15 years ago
also that plurk wont be condemned :-(
Headsvett hopes
15 years ago
to become a bit more active on plurk again. Im a MS fan, so if you are too, pls follow.
Headsvett wants
15 years ago
more people on plurk :/
Headsvett is
16 years ago
lonely (on plurk)
Headsvett says
16 years ago
wow, karmadrop! :-o Its annoying :@
Headsvett asks
16 years ago
why all the macbook hate? I luves it, I like what theydone with it, albeit I'm not sure what operating system id use....
Headsvett says
16 years ago
have you ever thought of why there is a "low priority"on emial clients?