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Taipei, Taiwan
關貿出包 首日報稅卡卡中 - So Test
全國報稅網路當機 已排除駭客所為 - So Test https://pgw.udn.com.tw/g...
雲品展枝葉 今年營運成長幅度挑戰雙位數 - Such Example
Labor Supply Shocks, Native Wages, and the Adjustment of Local Employment * - Very Keyword | Labor Supply Shocks, Native Wages, and the Adjustm...
Thinking, Fast and Slow? Some Field Experiments to Reduce Crime and Dropout in Chicago * - Such Example | Thinking, Fast and Slow? Some Field Experiments to...
Optimal Time-Consistent Government Debt Maturity * - Very Keyword | Optimal Time-Consistent Government Debt Maturity
Firm Leverage, Consumer Demand, and Employment Losses During the Great Recession * - Such Example | Firm Leverage, Consumer Demand, and Employment Los...
Global Production with Export Platforms * - Very Keyword | Global Production with Export Platforms
Public Protests and Policy Making * - Such Example | Public Protests and Policy Making
The Real Effects of Liquidity During the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Automobiles * - Many Preset | The Real Effects of Liquidity During the Financial ...