Hi,everybody, I'm Thomas Wu. Taiwan, the Republic of China is my home. It's a beautiful place. You are welcome to pay a visit to her. I am interested in English very much.
“Great minds have purposes; little minds have wishes. Little minds are subdued by misfortunes; great minds rise above them.” ~Washington Irving 傑出的人有著目標,其他人只有願望。渺小者爲不幸所壓倒,偉大者則壓倒不幸。華盛頓·歐文
親愛的弟弟,今天是你的生日,爸媽和老哥在此祝你生日快樂!你是我們家無人能代替的好寶貝,爸媽要你經常保持聯絡,你一定行!所有的親朋好友們,衷心祝福你,生日快樂,事事如意!Lots of love for your birthday. All the best for your future. Happy birthday, Bro!