Hamka dutchman
45Friends 20Fans
male Bontang, Indonesia
selalu terdiam jika memikirkannya
Endank Soekamti - Selamatkan Aku
Monkey To Millionaire Strange Is The Song In Our Conversation
Nirvana - In Bloom
Hamka dutchman
10 years ago
cek cek
Hamka dutchman
11 years ago
sebutir embun
Hamka dutchman wonders
11 years ago
so so so
Hamka dutchman wonders
11 years ago
When you goWould you even turn to say"I don't love you Like I did Yesterday"
Hamka dutchman
11 years ago
So don't go away say what you say But say that you'll stay Forever and a day...in the time of my life Cos I need more time yes I need more time Just to make things right
Hamka dutchman
12 years ago
no respon..... :-(
Hamka dutchman
12 years ago
Hamka dutchman
12 years ago
1 bulan setengah mami......
Hamka dutchman
12 years ago
masalah klasik .....
Hamka dutchman
12 years ago
kiss bye