uguu prince
10Friends 10Fans
Lumut, Brunei Darussalam
uguu prince
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
I know a time when WTF was dramatically elongated to OMGWTFBBQCNN... but the fact that the term is NOT searchable on Google makes me afraid.
uguu prince
1 years ago
looks at Andromeda haha easy skip

Andromeda: I'm a Rider

Me: oh fuck

Andromeda: in my 2nd ascension I wear a bikini

Me: oh fuuuuuck

Andromeda: I'm Perseus' wife


Andromeda: pull me? 👉👈 uwu

Me: ok fine

43 pulls later
uguu prince
1 years ago
I am binging THIS ILLUSION/disillusion cause the song captures what a servant does in Fate
uguu prince
1 years ago 1
I'm not one to brag but I look at all the princesses in Priconne having fun with each other in their isekai while being super normal people in their real life makes me want to be a prince w/o a backstory myself
uguu prince
1 years ago
2024 is the year I gonna debut as a casual Utaite/VSinger buuuut as with AzuRadio all those years ago it's thr mixing and the listening to your own voice thing that always fucks me up from progressing
uguu prince
1 years ago 1
uguu prince
1 years ago 2
ya boy got Arcueid from new years' very kindly sorted gacha
uguu prince
1 years ago 8
no one remembers Ichigo 100% anymore cause the manga ending sucked (or as they say nowadays the GoT ending)

but the anime OP was peak Dream, peak shounen of that time, peak everything. All cause the MC saw strawberry panties at the school roof and couldn't deduce from the four possible candidates who it was.
uguu prince
1 years ago 6
what is this feeling of loss for something I barely?or thought I? had
uguu prince
1 years ago
fever all weekend. mom has it too 🤒