Darth Imperious
32Friends 4Fans
female IN, United States
These days, a SWTOR MMO OC is eating my brain, so he's the one getting out and about.

Dad managed to give me his cold, and I spent all of yesterday completely wiped out. Also a good chunk of today. I'm mostly just upright because I need to not be laying down for a bit.
Darth Imperious
3 days ago 8
Mom and I were going to go get supper and came home with Edward's body instead. I saw him at the side of the road almost a mile from the house.
Darth Imperious
4 days ago 1
Do You Hear the People Sing? (+ reprise) LyricsI sure did spend a good chunk of time listening to this on a loop.
Darth Imperious
6 days ago 1
One of Dad's (and therefore my) cousins stopped in on a visit on her way elsewhere, and apparently, it sucked all the energy out of us because all three of us ended up napping for the rest of the afternoon. XD;
Darth Imperious
1 weeks ago 13
Dad told me not to rake leaves because it was too windy. He decided to burn the pile of leaves/sticks. I bet you won't guess what happened next.
Darth Imperious
1 weeks ago 7
The Benboy had an appointment today to get his shots. They also gave him a physical while at it. He's 10.7 pounds and his ears are filthy. He apparently also managed to misplace an incisor somewhere.
Darth Imperious
1 weeks ago 2
I'm so tired.
Darth Imperious
1 weeks ago
Dreamed that I did tags. Also, that they specifically weren't to any of the threads that have been waiting for me to get back to for around a year and a half. Brain, why.
Darth Imperious
1 weeks ago
Utterly failed at sleep last night. Did get 2-3 hours of sleep this afternoon. Going to bed early. (It's 9:30. I'll probably make it into bed by around 10:00.)
Darth Imperious
2 weeks ago 3
I wish cats would refrain from barfing on my bed while I'm sleeping in it.