28Friends 105Fans
Seattle, WA, United States
Mod plurk for Hadriel!

For a faster response, please direct any private plurks to the mods' personal plurk accounts:
Rae raelet
Manda sidereal
And a big LOVE MEME to end things off!
Here is the final NPC post with a goodbye from all most of the gods.
Our final log, the Aftermath Log, is now up!
Our final formal OOC post, Hadriel's Endgame Aftermath Post, is now up.
The final Endgame Battle OOC Post is now up!
An information post and signups for the Endgame battle is now live! You have 2 days to volunteer and be considered for the final plot writeup!
Hope is here, and it's time to make your final decision about the fate of the Null.
The Event Log for the Null attack is now up! It's the beginning of the end.
It's here. Your Endgame Null Attack OOC Post is now up.